1. I am accountable to society to create citizens that can contribute to their communities.
2. I am accountable to my children's father to teach his children those things that will allow them to carry the family name with honor and pride.
3. I am accountable to our church to provide members that can serve and carry out the Great Commission.
4. I am accountable to my children themselves to provide them with the knowledge and tools needed to have productive futures in which they can care for themselves and their families.
5. I am accouountable to myself to be able to look back at these years and know that I gave my children my very best in preparing them for adulthood.
If that does not seem to be enough accountablility. Ultimately I will stand my for my Saviour, the Creator of the entire universe, and must give an account for my every moment I had with my children. This will include how and what I tought them.
"So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God." Romans 14:12
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